Monday, October 12, 2009

What log rolling means to me...

scene: 9th grade reality collage, Van Alstyne Tx Speech Classroom
charecters:brady,jock stoner 1, jock stoner's freind 1, Honda 6 gauge f560000 4-wheeler 48 speed dual combustionive chamber (music),forest animals,christian archetype, quiet kid 1, quiet kid 2(wearing a no-fx shirt),stoner 1.
plot:write a speech explaining one of your hobbies
solution:I like to roll logs (this has a couple meanings I guess which makes it the perfect topic for discourse in a class full of stoners and wanna-be stoners who rub their eyes with dirt in the morning to make em look red and then in some sort of scripted over-the-top movement in front of everyone they pull out a clear eyes eye-dropper and try to get someone who might be a stoner to notice, and anyone who might not necessarily smoke/not smoke but has a sense of humor anyways)

2 days before the presentations were to be given on our hobbies/interests our main character brady was staring at a box glowing espn2 men's sports that dont quite make it to the real big time. One of these sports was called log rolling. "Now this is something that I can grasp" sneered a voice from within the thought chambers.

So Brady was off with his camera and a couple buddies who thought it was a wonderful opportunity , wonderful enough to offer up their time and 4-wheelers to join in on this momentous occasion.

Mr.Wade, the Speech instructor was a peacock of a man. His decaying foundation featured a stout frame that stopped growing after 4th grade, a belly that looked kind of like he had put one of those exercise balls under his starched suit-shirt, with a reassuring tri-fold chin beneath his sticky lips which nestled closely his breath which varied from dog to a concoction of 30 minutes ago brushed teeth, but drank coffee and diet coke inbetween then and now kind of breath, and when his brain flinched involuntarily his lips would often part, creating a hole in his face that air would travel out of, air that was soaked in Wade's learned verbiage he was the owner of a speech that crawled around a hearty 3 octave range below middle c, with a tone quality of a crickety wooden floor panel juked with a johnny cash imitation in bi tonal increments. His eyes wore a dark, olive tint and his brows crept off the surface of his face like antennas and they twisted and swiveled and leaped expressively when a thought bubble that contained one of his topics of interests burst inside his head. His ears cowered in the trench of his bushy white hair strands while at once providing noise cancellation and simultaneously improving the volume of the ever-narrowing intuitive bird calls in the forest of his mind, cluttered with an array of prehistoric men and M.A.S.H re-runs/theme songs on repeat.

Wade was fond of this concept: log rolling, because he was all too familiar with the implications that the other students projected in their laughter. "Aha! I will catch him and sentence him to 200 weeks of isolation with Mr. Rogers" a deranged wolf echoed in the vast outskirts of Wade's eroded mind castle.

Brady was well prepared for this sort of test though. After 4 years of owning a camera, he was well equiped with the equipment necessary for this sort of gig. Upon entering the smoky forest of Elmont jock stoner 1 exclaimed "a log." "we did it" bellowed the 4 inch mouthwide widebelly, a loyal comrade of jock stoner 1.

And did it they did. Our heroes rolled the log off the bank into the creek and this was recorded with only a minute amount of background laughter.
When Brady brought the edited tape into speech, the class became speechless at the precision of the log rolling, and Mr.wade 's tilted agenda collapsed under the chivalry of Brady's follow through.

Just as Wade's pencil was forcing his hand to scrible the symbol "100" on a piece of notebook paper that documented Brady's thesis statement, a Slipknot music video came on the screen and the stoners observed in jubilation multiplied by the christian 1's disdain for Slipknot music videos.


  1. Legendary. What is log rolling (euphemism)?

  2. i don't think anyone really knows exactly what it is, but anything that even hints at the verb rolling makes 9th graders who have just discovered thc giggle uncontrollably

  3. And did it they did. Hey I know, why don't you "doo" something with your life$
