Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bigots against bigotry

I was in a public bathroom at HSU and I saw where a lot of people wrote things like, "all gays suck" and "Mark Amox f***s cows" along with plenty of racial and religious slander etc...

Someone had circled all of them and written on the side rebuttals along the lines of, "what's wrong with sucking? You're a bigot!" and "What's wrong with f***ing cows? You're such a bigot!"
...And so on and so forth...

I, being the thinker I am, circled all of his remarks and drew lines to one center area where I wrote, "What's wrong with being a bigot?"

So I ask you, what's wrong with having beliefs and standing up for them? What's wrong with believing in right and wrong? We live in a country that prides itself in personal freedom. We are supposed cherish different belief systems and ethics as part of a huge weave of our culture. Just because somebody doesn't believe like you do doesn't make them a bigot. I'm not a ridiculous conservative. (I'm moderate) I can't think of anyone that I hate or even strongly dislike, but if I stand up against something I believe is wrong, I should be able to do it without being labeled a bigot.

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