Saturday, October 3, 2009

Danae's first blog!

stage fright@!!


I turned the water faucet on..


Shit…I just wrote a really really long post and then deleted it. Uhhh…. Don’t..i…don’t…write….dont..good/ummhehheh..

Remember in fourth grade when you had got to have a bathroom buddy when you went, so you tried to bring a fun friend so you could just talk and play in the bathroom while getting out of class for a while and thought maybe the teacher would just think you were pooping?

Remember in junior high when you just went to the bathroom to check your light blue eyeshadow caked on, purple mascara, glitter, etc. and there was only a nasty little bar of soap that everyone in the whole school used with a hair stuck to it, and maybe a piece of lint or something too.

Remember in highschool when you went to the bathroom during class just to sit in the stall and TEXT HEHE!! on your phone in secret so it wouldn’t get taken away or call your mom to tell you to come sign you out..  and then just walked around and said hi to your friends that were in B lunch?

  Ok I’m probably gonna erase all this. Nm yes I am nm I’m not. 


  1. danae i remember all of these things. other funny things happened in the bathroom in high school too. like all the fights in the bathroom, and people smoking weed, or smearing poo poo on the walls. Also one time I showed a gaggle of girls how I did my makeup in the bathroom. sometimes i would bring cheeze its in the bathroom and eat them as i sat on the pot.

  2. wow thats like another seperate toilet moment in itself. these things could be elaborated on. i know for me i spent time in the bathroom popping zits and greasing my hair
