Tuesday, October 6, 2009

the sandal and the blimp

as i pondered the events from the previous night's venture i came upon a beautiful scenaria...
this story was inspired by a true story (The Lady and the TrampTMand the characters and events represented on this particular toilet moment in no way depict real or imaginary situations.

The Sandal and the Blimp

dear readers,
if you decide to do so, as you read along, pictures or images with/without animation may appear in your head, if this happens please do not disregard them they are part of the story too.
Stadium, there was one. stadium has 1 hundo yards and extra for layered rows and columns of people who come to stadium. sometimes, nachos. when their are more people, usually other people decide to put on uniforms,
"everyone in this room is also wearing a uniform, and dont kid yourself"
colors matching red and white with font verdana bold 16 size pt header align center "the tornados"

when their are more people with casual clothing then their are with the matching colored uniforms, this is considered favorable for an alotted few, namely the man with casual/business garb who routinely is allowed to stand by the tornados and tells them stories that he wishes to be translated into movements.

the choreographer of the tornados is especially demented, so he enjoys most of his dances to involve some sort of physical contact between the dancers that is not like any mating rituals previously witnessed in our society.

if these jerseyed tornado numbers become good enough at dancing in stadium, then sometimes they become promoted and entertain larger numbers of casual shirted people with nacho.

therefor, a board is attatched to bottom of stadium with neon glow lights and it amuses itself by changing the sequence of lights and non-lights to create the illusion that it drew a picture of a number.
board thought it was fun to rotate numbers at random intervals and when he changed them some of the casual shirts shouted at the miraculous synchronization of the number-picture and the dance happening in stadium.
or, when circle of profitable agents declared enough paper was in the jean opening they sometimes would get rid of the excess green paper in exchange for big thing that fly,
Edward.J Blimpson wasa pioneer among the hardcore dancing profit head movement
he said into crate 10 watt practice amplifier, "call it a blimp"
and so it was.
they taped a sign on blimp and the initial idea was to broadcast daily news and horriscope mesgs and to fly the blimp over stadium so everybody could watch the dance and still be in the know on the latest issues.

but blimp fliar was bad and he would either fly too fast or simply too high for people to read his updates.
and they were only using 14x13 size sheets of graph paper and though they used a felt tip boldend pen, they decided that people might strain their eyes to read the message and so they tried different things like handing out binoculars to the nacho people and this turned out to be remarkably profitable and it sort of became like this fashion kind of thing i guess and so theyd have to get em with their own green papez and so if you wanted to see the blimps secret message you could only decode it via the binoculars stadium sold.

then one of the days a man whose goal was to blow air into a golden confibulator an whistle sound-color changes said hey i wear sandals and everybody looked at him with a casual headnod kind of thing and that's how the blimp got to meet sandal for the first time cause they put the sandal on board for an honorary trip round stadium and the layered bleachers shouted which cause uproar and people spilled nachos and hot weiner bun mustard packets as the bleachers hallucinations startled the casual sit and feet were slammed as cause the attention was broken from dance and the board was also a capturer of time frames and could even pause them with his light change magick.

blimp and sandal sat down for a cup of joe but a stranger popped up and spooked em so they hooked up and danced the same dance you are dancing right now.