Thursday, October 15, 2009

Little Luxie

Everytime I switch rooms in my apartment, my cat follows me. This includes the bathroom. Everytime she hears the seat cover hit the back of the commode, she comes barreling in from wherever she was like something crazy just happened in the other room. With no fail, she stops dead in her tracks in the doorway, collects herself, then saunters in like maybe I didn't just see her tearing ass down the hall. She then proceeds to butter me up with leg rubs, hand nuzzles and general lovely-dovey kittyness before scampering around my legs to the tubsill. This is where she's either content with the amount of water in her dish and will procede to paw at it, or isn't and MMEEOOORRRWWWWWW!!!s at me until I give in to her watery desires. If it's not the dish she's after, it's the bathtub itself. When she lays down in it, I know that means I'd better turn the faucet on so she can lick the water from the floor of the tub (gross, i know) or prepare for a good talking to. Sometimes though, like today, she'll just lay in the tub and wait for me to notice her there. Not a peep, she's just staring at me. She knows I know she's there, she just went meandering around my feet. So today, I go on about my business; I ignore her. I've decided that I'm gonna scare the shit out of this cat. She's staring at me, waiting for me to look at her so she can bitch at me about her lack of fresh water (which was probably changed within an hour or two). So, the second she lets her guard down and takes her eyes off me, I throw my hands up, open my eyes wide and MMEEOOORRRWWWWWW!!! at her. She trys to get out of the tub so fast she trips over her paws/slips and slides around in the tub until she somehow slides herself over the tubsill, around my legs and again, tears ass down the hallway. And in the course of me writing that, she's now come back to sit in the tub, and is MMEEOOORRRWWWWWW!!!ing at me for water. Oh, Luxie... you'll never learn.

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