Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fee-cool fiction

all is imagination...
click click delete
am i imagination.
no, only supremely imaginative
are in fact imagination
of whom?
imaginary ebb imaginary flow
hallucination of the mind
whose mind
what did you say
i will not address that
imaginary calmness imaginary boldness imaginary courage imaginary fear imaginary boundary imaginary scheme imaginary school imaginary student imaginary paper imaginary imaginary completion grade imaginary completion

all is imagination of the mind, make-up that we put on
whose face? you me them they us her and all the others
grabbing and grasping and realizing and rerealizing
unrealizing .

true understanding.what understanding? what do you understand?
what you stand under? the cieling? the sky? the tree branch?
what tree branch? that tree branch is an illusion being projected by the imaginary tree's imaginary shadow. an imaginary hierarchy that you govern imaginary distinguishable imaginary able imaginary chore imaginary center
imaginary graph with imaginary points imaginary omnipotence imaginary benevolence
imaginary out the gate imaginary 2 sides to all imaginary coins with imaginary pocket homes imaginary fusion imaginary fanta orange/grape imaginary imagine airy image in air a floating picture in the imaginary sky you are imaginary
you are a fiction novel you are an imaginary novelty, subject to imaginary laughter from the imaginary database of imaginary people rotating around the sphere of entangled generally,
imaginary cosmos, imaginary great feats, imaginary feet, imaginary repetition, imaginary cultivation, imaginary reaping of the imaginary harvest

imaginary pillows imaginary "i can relate" imaginary relay race imaginary 1st place imaginary runner up imaginary whistle imaginary go imaginary ego

you're still sitting under an imaginary tree with imaginary bark and imaginary ant farms are not marching around they may appear to be biting the fucking shit out of your leg but nay! they are imaginary, they are artistic too! and so is that pain so wake up and start dreaming like us like us: the supreme imagination. the one true deity. the syntactical clarity of an imaginary orator publicly professing insistantly preaching to nobody. absolutely nobody. imaginary theater in his head you doofus! you dimwit! you nincompoop! your foolish lampoonery! how could you? how dare you! why don't you just go join some sort of team where all of your delusions can come true, you'll be the new mayor of the big fuckin apple, ! yes, New York City! here i come! like a fucking Bald Eagle screaming and soaring over the imaginary landscape accompanied by imaginary trumpet calls bouncing around on children's imaginary playground equipment. actually children are the only nonimaginary's. you start becoming more and more imaginary after the age of 7 generally, and by the time you're 14...bam wam fuckin pow! zap! you're completely imaginary! and 21, yes! a whole lifetime of imaginary living! yes wow! so go park at that imaginary meter on the imaginary campus and have your imaginary vehicle towed by some imaginary company and hand them monopoly money when you can and laugh! and just keep laughing, they won't need any explanation, they aren't even there...and niether are you.

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