Thursday, October 1, 2009


My cat is black orange and white,
she is never wrong and always right,
but where does she go,
when i call it a night,

she goes and finds wrappers and bottle caps,
anything plastic that makes noise while i naps,
and i always fall for these sort of traps

sometimes she just crawls in beside me though,
and lays down for a moment before scratching the pillow,
my head, the blanket, my body.... furry little ho

but how could someone hate such a creature,
with such beauty and elgant features,
and i say,"... if I could only reach her"

from this this position in bed that I'm in,
I'd rip her goddamn tail and fur right off her skin,
ah yes! then maybe, she would know just when,

to stop being the little bitch she is,
always keepin me awake and pissing me off and shiz,
until I want to cry because I just woke up
and I have to go to work but I didn't get
any sleep because you think your the Floyd

House riot and that somehow gives you reason
to pop out of the void and claw my knees again,
but i can hope for a change with the season,

hopefully, along with it, your attitude,
otherwise you get no wet food,
and i know how that affects your mood,

fritz, i guess you can't read,
but if you can then please heed,
for every cat grows a wing for each good deed,
and imagine how easy to catch the next reed
it would be, you would own that tree
ok so that is a flat out lie,
youll get no wings,
but it was worth a try,
"am i right, guys?"

so save your play time for the day
that is how i'll get the sleep i need
yea and plus it fucking hurts to bleed,

and your nails ain't little,
your teeth ain't brittle,
maybe we could meet in the middle,

i'll even buy you a fiddle,
and you can play it at night

or ill give you my trumpet,
i mean i was about to dump it,

or a flute so you dont
need a mute

whatever you want, its your too keep
just please cut this shit out,
i need some sleep.

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