Sunday, December 6, 2009


Mexican slight glance head nods in affirmation (yes we are here) (yes we both love and admire kevin milwood) (yes we both miss juan gonzales) (yes, our visions are few and far between) from point a to b, somethings taking up space in between but niether of us will come to ackknowledge it. this is not unkindness, it is just the American way of doin things. In America, everything relies on boxes, boxes of moments and activities, boxes are a way of life. and even the middle aged man with a nostalgic #27 jersey reigning from '96 is turned into a voyeur as he flows through the crowd like a product on a conveyor belt conveying almost nothing to anyone except his loved ones which are few and far between the stream of thousands of products.with dreams of tettleton in our heads i too offer my bobblehead, because i know we both need it."Im just wanna get in there and get drunk"

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