Sunday, December 13, 2009

one small step for man, one disgusting step backwards for mankind

It was haunting, a silence so distinct even God couldn't hear. Our sin seemed miles away, sweet and hiddden from the truth we were afraid to face. I woke to the smell of pork, a meat I hate and yet ate in an attempt to be whoever he wanted me to be. It was only noon and yet he offered me a beer, which I readily accepted, even though I knew my actions were none to celebrate. I thought of the man awaiting me at home, the expectations he unintentionally placed on me. The pressure made my encounter feel like incest. A moral crime God would never forgive. I felt my anxiety rise and knew I haad to escape, planning my exit as I searched the apartment I found yself in. He raised his voice long enough to announce, "Hey I'm cooking tonight, ribs and pumpkin pie. I'd love you here." I smiled a fake smile and headed towards the door, all sins intact. "I think I have to see my mom tonight, but thank you." I left the shattered apartment and never looked back. So begun my journey.
And then it began, said the pig sticking his sweet dinger into a slice of divine pump pie. Oh yes, I do remember the sickingly sweet sting of remorse sir Wilber felt for all of god's offspring. And oh how they sprung off. The beer quivered with ecstacy as it was engulfed by the pork of Teusday's beloved gesture. Turning greener than the mountain face, dark. incest revealed itself on the seventh day. a fine device indeed for all the children of corn as they wandered and waivered and waddled and fondled and bumbled and mumbled and tumbled and flipped and slipped and dipped the pinch of filthy shit that they craved.
It was a dark and sad night when dick morrison finaly realised that his diabitis would kill him that he decided FUCK IT I want to engaqge in incest sex with Brenda she has some sweet pink hot pie between her legs. Although he often looked at An AKA mawmaw as a nice sweet piece of pork, he often desired the taste of his own family's skin that he often masterbated to the thought of his own family members. Oh how he fantisised about fucking Aby's nice young pussy as he hungrily pounded his beers thinking how sweet they would taste just as her pussy would in his old senile mouth.What a fucking piece of shit MATT thought to hisself as he silently sharpened the knife ready to do gods bidding and kill the evil monster bruing within.

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