Wednesday, December 9, 2009

fritz's moment


Umm. This is Fritz, yea so I learned to hack into Bray's computer, wasnt that hard .
Anyways, I just wanted to blog about what the fuck is happening to me right now. I just ate some of Logan's leftover Taco Bell materials the lazy son of a bitch left lyin out on the table. How could you blame me? What feline in their right mind wouldn't eat Taco Bell layin out . It was heaven, a glimpse of Shangri-La. The cold, creamy jalepeno cheese ran down my throat and left my tum beggin for seconds. So I gulfed down a few crunchy triangles and licked the bottom andd thats what brings me to my litterr box. Brady, if you read this. Im sorry for what my ass is about to do to your bathroom...i forgot what those things are called that are like places in the groun that shoots water out of the ground like a whale would. thats how my asshole feels right now. I am going to go find solitude somewhere and rest. Hopefully Brady takes me to the vet. My ass is officially on fire. I imagine this is what Mercury must feel like, sittin so damn close to a burning ring of fire. alrigght guys thanx for herin me out

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