Sunday, December 13, 2009

drunken duet

Tell us, oh circular world. How could so many squares rest beneath your sky? And why does it seem normal that God has not done mankind a favor and flooded the damn hellhole, filled to the brim with gilded circles sitting underneath a moon. Yes, the juicy moon eye is blinking with laughter. The hairy shapes OMG they walk with intense intention. They were normal. Why? 'And why are you so damn passive, God. This is your own fucking creation, why don't you paint a picture that you could look at and say "Yes, this is what I intended. This is a true manifestation of my capabilities. I am the greatest." The church rose in a proud neglect, and stood up singing "Our God Is an awes..." Tears streamed down the faces of various performance artists in masterful execution. Maybe God is just so depressed by this time, hes taken enough Tylenol PM'S to cross out the eyes of empathy and understand we all have read about in his wonderful book. Yes that huge book. The dead sea scrolls of Dr. Snoose. Oh god, oh god, oh god not this shit again he said opening his eyes-the sun, of god.

I woke to the intense scream of the alarm, unaware of what the day may bring. I was living in a motel alone, no money, no prospects of money, and I was low on hope. This life seemed more than normal to me after the months I had spent living it. In a way, it was my own gilded reality. I woke every morning at eight in hopes of a job lead, listening closely to the juicy gossip that had developed between my fellow neighbors and I. Most of the time it involved an arrest or a woman losing her children, I spent almost a year in this insanity until I found my escape. His name was Matt, and he saved me.

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