Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Leonard Burnstein means “go”
at the end of his stroke and its gone it has left.
Ol Lenny found eternity as he expected for the most part “A little clingy isn’t it” he neglected to ask himself, with a godhead that size who can blame intimidation.
Well the universe has had its context removed in a brief battle with a solemnly literal monk, her tiny hands had chipped away at conceptual space like a blow torch held by an ice sculpture during a snow storm. Of course the universe was only accustomed to harsh Siberian winters, its own mother having perished improbably in an flurry no more severe than the universe’s reception by the strict monk. Detached aggression found itself at home, oddly attached in the universe’s fat, pulpy heart, to the ghost of both mother and self--moreso self due to a persistent obligor that was the infinite cosmic shhlucking, a black-whole, an other cancerous another
--several in-flux instances of superposition like charged plates, between and around which energetic fields squeeze and push through matter.
Thus, the disunion of the universe and its notion of self propelled the stone--passed piteously through the monk’s urinary tract--through all points of space and time. As a result all weights measured in the universe are twice of previous values and all stovetop recipes include exceptions for culinars working above ten thousand feet higher than sea level.. this is only made more complicated by the fact that while the majority of human beings alive on the planet earth live in poverty beyond the reach of buttery treats, the elite who do have access have organized and constructed a governing body operating, surprisingly, four hundred feet below the sea level.
The Mediterranean Sea to be precise.

This body, conceived by its units as a kind of embodiment of the look one gets on their face when recognizing ones own body odor scent in the body odor scent of another, finds minimal effect on the world as a whole but has a more significant impact on local sea creatures, and has even been accused of being responsible for the damage of more than forty dead porpoises found washed up on Greek shores, their relatively flat teeth impacted with hardened cow butter.
Suspicions grow as of late as to the divicating Monk’s relationship with certain groups of animal trainers who carry indications of holding ties with both large herds of captive bovine and more show-offy dolphin groups. Pundits have commented that not only grass-fed bovine is an agreeable companion to cured butter, dolphins’ demonstrated affinity for piano concerto draws the species into a parallel with human taste for finery. Further, they point out the late Bernstein’s disappointed statement made issue following his first meeting with a porpoise, during which he indicated a sense of lackluster. They “wouldn’t even jump for my fishy,” lamented the world renowned symphony conductor and composer of the score of “West Side Story” with two limp carps in his slimy cupped hands. Incidents like this were hardly isolated throughout this man’s life, and the same melancholy set the tone for interactions with the likes of Tony Danza and Bob Seger, although both meetings were dinner dates during which it is known that all parties feasted upon tuna steaks--once with a mustard butter sauce, and once with the same style sauce but with the addition of chopped bell peppers and ginger.
At a dinner date with actor Danza, Bernstein tasted the tender flesh on his dish, set down his dining utensils and rose in formal grandiose declaring, “Ginger for the ignorant and wise, for the blind and the sighted, for the naive and the cosmopolitan!” He then spat upon the tablecloth and left for the bar where he ordered a Tony Idaho. He quickly emptied the martini glass and exited the restaurant, leaving the rugged responsible mister-mom-type Tony Danza staring in disbelief. While little is known thus far to suspect any involvement between Danza, Seger, and the subconscious paranoia spread by the monk, we can indicate at least a few pervasive notions.. Defensive. Real real defensive. Paranoid. Real real Paranoid. I mean that I think smash.

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