Monday, April 19, 2010

Out for Breakfast

Out having breakfast this morning,
over coffee,
in somewhat of a slump,
I was thinking to myself,
"Holy shit, Joe!
You'd better do something,
to shape up your life a bit,
or else."

And so I decided that,
for starters,
I would try to be more outgoing,
with my waitress,

Other than just getting
my usual order,
and saying "thank you,"
as it arrives,
and so,
as she was standing right in
front of me,
cleaning out a large,
white plastic container
of soe abstract sort,

I opened up my mouth to issue forth,
"What's that?"
I guess you didn't hear me,
I gave myself a pat on the back,
on my way home,
just a tiny e for tiny effort,
but with total faith that,
any step in the right direction,
is secretly a giant one.

-Joe Brainard (RIP)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All you need is luxe. luxe is all you need.

I knew a man who found the fountain of youth inside a

bottle of kentucky deluxe

Well he drank that stuff couldn't get enough, wouldn't

take to workin or anything that wasn't a cup.

He said, "all I need is kentucky deluxe."

Well the preacher kept preachin and his wife kept weepin

and her hanky was a-seepin with the tears of her greivin

oh no!!!!!!!11

well he couldn't fix her cause he didn't need no mixer he

filed for devorce didn't take no picture when he left

he said .......

well he started down the road found a coffin full of gold

aint no lost or found or so he'd been told.

well bought a duck and an ocean full of whiskey and thats

how he met me and i never did come back up.

he said.....

well he's a thousand years old floatin on an ocean in a

coffin full of gold thats just what ive been told

he don't look a day older there's a straw on his shoulder

to a tank of a drank that won't let his life smoulder.

he said.....